I had to go to the doctor again today to follow up after my Friday in the ER. Everything looks ok except that I have a really bad cold and feel nasty. :( The doctor told me that as of last week it was safe for me to stop taking the progesterone (which I did anyway after my last ER visit). So, I really haven't felt nauseous since I quit taking it! YEAH!! I have still been really really tired, and with the cold it's kind of hard to tell what is what. I'm hoping that my pregnancy symptoms are kind of going away and I will start feeling myself again since I am entering the second trimester.
The baby has grown A LOT in the past two weeks! The doctor said he/she is already four inches long from head to toe. Baby was moving a little bit this time but I think we interrupted nap time. (They have cycles of sleep and alertness just like they do when they are born.) But, no leaps or jumps like last time. The heart rate still looks good and I have attached a picture: (click it to make it larger.) This was also a good visit because Michael was able to be with me and see the baby move this time!
And now for the cool news! I asked my doctor about it today and she said it was fine. I found a Doppler fetal heart monitor online for $115 and it had really good reviews from users. It's the kind the doctor's office uses, only a lower megahertz. So, I ordered it so we can hear the baby's heart and you can also hear it move and kick and stuff. It works as early as 8-10 weeks and I will be 12 weeks on Sunday. The cool part is that we can plug it up to the computer and record the sounds and share it on our baby blog! It should be here in a few days and you know when it gets here I will be ripping the box open and using it right away. Check back (if you aren't subscribed to my blog) in a few days if you are interested in hearing the baby. :) I'm excited!!
The doctor said that on my next visit on the 18th we MIGHT be able to find out if it is a boy or a girl already. We'll keep you posted!