Finally, this weekend I was able to feel Conner move! Each day I feel him a little more and more, reminding me that he's still there! He seems to be most active at night when I am resting or trying to sleep. But, I read their sleep patterns are usually that they sleep during the day because the activity from your body lulls them to sleep. Then, at night when you get still, they wake up and play. This morning I was able to distinguish his standard soft wiggling from an actual kick. He kicked me twice! I think he was trying to tell me to get up and get out of bed! Well, hopefully soon other people will be able to share the excitement of his movements too!
Baby Conner officially has a room now! Today we moved everything non-baby related out of his room and set up his crib. We fixed his bedding, the valences, and took everything out of bags and put into place. I bet he will love his crib and his Lil' Dino bedding. Our tiny chihuahua Tino loved it! The whole time we were setting things up he stayed in the room with us. As soon as we got the mobile out, he started wagging his tail and got right up in our faces. I'm pretty sure he thought the little stuffed dinosaurs for the mobile were for him. :( The best part was when we put the mobile on the crib and started the music ("Go to Sleep"). When the music started and the dinosaurs started going around, Tino sat straight up and stared at the mobile as if he were hypnotized! He didn't even blink! We are talking about a little dog that has an attention span of about 5 seconds. He looked at that thing for at least a minute without moving. He was probably wondering "Why did they put my toy way up there? How am I supposed to chew those dinosaurs apart when I can't reach them?" Then, as the music slowly wound down, he laid down and let out a big yawn. So, I guess the mobile and the lullaby music works . . . for Tino at least!! Hee hee!
We're still waiting on the changer/dresser, glider, and some other stuff. But, when we get his room fixed, I will be sure to put some pictures up!
That's all for now!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Here he is!!

He looks perfect - all 10 fingers and toes. Everything is forming just right. Babies are a miracle.
Right now I can't feel him very much because the placenta is in the front. But, last night I woke up in the middle of the night and could feel him because he had the hiccups! It was so cute! Other than that, it is still really hard for me to feel him.
He can hear us now! His ears are fully developed so if you want to talk to him next time you see me, just say hello to my belly!
The happy grandmothers got us started on his room yesterday! We were all so excited we went straight to Babiesrus after the OB visit. It is going to be decorated in the Lil' Dinos theme from Babies R Us. I'll be sure to take pictures and put it up when we get his room ready. But, don't hold your breath, it will probably be awhile. :)
I've had a nasty cold or something so I was off of work Wednesday. Luckily, they cancelled school Thursday and Friday due to illness so I have a few extra days to recover! YEAH!!! This weekend we may go to Babies R US and target and do our registry now that we know 100% that its a boy. I may start some of it online today if I get a chance.
He can hear us now! His ears are fully developed so if you want to talk to him next time you see me, just say hello to my belly!
The happy grandmothers got us started on his room yesterday! We were all so excited we went straight to Babiesrus after the OB visit. It is going to be decorated in the Lil' Dinos theme from Babies R Us. I'll be sure to take pictures and put it up when we get his room ready. But, don't hold your breath, it will probably be awhile. :)
I've had a nasty cold or something so I was off of work Wednesday. Luckily, they cancelled school Thursday and Friday due to illness so I have a few extra days to recover! YEAH!!! This weekend we may go to Babies R US and target and do our registry now that we know 100% that its a boy. I may start some of it online today if I get a chance.
Saturday, February 16, 2008

Tuesday we have the anatomy scan so we will be 100% sure of the sex (rather than 90%) and check for any abnormalities in the organs and growth. Hopefully it will be a good report! I'm looking forward to seeing our baby again, especially after he's grown so much!! Oh yeah, the triple screen for genetic defects, neural tube defects, and down syndrome came back normal! YEAH!!
More later!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Baby bump
This Sunday I will be 18 weeks (in my 5th month) and I FINALLY got a baby bump! Before now it was kind of hard to tell if it was just my fat little belly or if it was the baby, but now it is obvious! And, I swear it is like it grew over night! It just popped out! I feel bigger today than I did yesterday too! So, here is a picture of my little baby bump.
My blood pressure is still high but my OB sent me to a Cardiologist just to be on the safe side. My Diastolic pressure has been ranging from the 90's - the 100's, which is high. But, my Systalic pressure pretty much remains in the normal range around the 130's. (But last time I was at the doctor's office it was 150/100.) Anyway, I was worried because it has never been than high. Terms like Preclampsia and Pregnancy induced hypertension were running through my head with images of all of the serious complications that can accompany them. Fortunately, the cardiologist does not think it is preclampsia because it is a little too early for that to be developing. Plus, it is strange that it is JUST my diastolic pressure that is high, which doesn't worry him as much. The prognosis is we are just going to watch it. If it goes up more, they will put me on medication. They have been checking to see if I am leaking Protien and I haven't, which is a sign of preclampsia. So, all the news sounds good!
I finally am feeling better. I have more energy now and don't feel sick. My appetite is coming back. I have lost 15 pounds but hopefully now that I can eat again I won't continue to lose weight. I go back to work Monday. Wish me luck!
That's all for now!
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