We had our one month appointment at the doctor yesterday and Conner is progressing great! He weighs exactly 9 pounds on the dot and is 21 inches long! He has been able to hold his head up since we brought him home from the hospital and is continuing to do so when we put him on his belly. He recognizes our voices and can follow objects with his eyes and head. He loves watching his rainforest sounds and lights toy in his crib. As of now, he sleeps 5 hours through the night and then goes back to sleep after a feeding. This is great! But, the trade off is that he stays awake and alert ALL DAY LONG. The doctor said this is rare! He won't take naps for more than 15 minutes at a time and wants to be held 24/7 or he cries. He is constantly in exploratory mode and you can just see the little wheels turning in his head! Needless to say, it's been hard getting anything done with little man wanting to be held the whole time. The doctor said we should gradually try to wean him and let him cry so he can learn to self sooth. That was a validation for me because I feel guilty anytime I eat, take a shower, or do housework! I hate for him to be upset. But, both he and I are getting better at it!

He already has gotten to meet two of my roommates babies. Amelia - in Atlanta - Julie's baby - and Lydia - his birthday twin - Chery's baby!
Every now and then we catch a smirk or a smile or a twinkle in his eye and it makes my heart smile! When I watch him sleep I feel so much love that I am reminded what a gift and miracle this little guy is. I can't imagine our lives without him now!
He had his first official bath last week (Non-sponge bath) since his chord fell off! He LOVES having his hair washed! I'm attaching a few updated pictures so you can see how much he has grown already! Everywhere I go people always comment on his hair! He was born needing a hair cut! And, no, it's not going to fall out. I had a full head of hair like him and it never fell out!
My time is limited so I will try to update as I can. Lots of love!
Natalie & Conner