We have already passed a few milestones in little Conner's life! He had his first set of booster shots August 28th. Michael and I both went to support Conner. It was SO sad! He cried the "you hurt me bad and you hurt my feelings" cry. As soon as they were finished, I held him in my arms and he calmed down in about 5 minutes. We gave him tylenol throughout the day and made sure we cuddled him and spent lots of time soothing him. He slept most of the day and did pretty well.- The next day we left for South Carolina and visited Michael's Dad and Debbie. Conner did well on the car ride. But, we took Daddy's car and I rode in the back with him. When he rides in my car, he screams and cried the WHOLE time and will not stop - even if I take him out - he just starts back up again. We have concluded that he either hates my car or hates riding in the back by himself - neither one of which we can really d
o anything about. Conner got to meet his cousin Maddy who is only three weeks younger than him. It was so cute to watch them interact. Conner got to go to church for the first time. We had been hesitant to take him yet because he is so young and we were nervous about how he might act. He can get REALLY fussy. But, we were pleasantly surprised that he sat there the whole time and didn't let out a peep. Michael says he is going to be a Pentecostal because as soon as the music started he raised his hands! He likes music. :)
- Another exciting thing happened today. Our neighbors gave us their old bouncy seat that attaches to the door frame. Now, Conner is too young for it now, but we tried it out anyway and put a little neck pillow up to support his head (even though he really doesn't have a lot of problems holding his head up.) He LOVED it! He can't jump up and down on his own so we would bounce it for him and his eyes would light up with delight. When we would stop bouncing him, he started crying as if to say "bounce me more!" So, we would bounce him more and he would stop crying! It was so funny. When he gets a little older he is going to LOVE that thing because he loves being bounced.
- He is really getting to be much more independent. He is kind of growing out of that phase where he wants me to hold him 24/7 now that he has sort of learned to entertain himself. He has his good days and his bad days. We can put him in his little rocker and he will play with his toys, or like today, I came in and Michael had him sitting in front of the tv watching the Smurfs. I used to LOVE the smurfs. He was taking it all in with such alertness and attentiveness. Everyone we meet is astonished (first by "that head of hair" then) at how alert and expressive he is. He always seems to be learning and paying attention to what is going on. He will follow you around the room or turn towards you if you enter the room. He always seems to be studying things very seriously just taking it all in. We play a mimic game with him and he will imitate our facial expressions.
- He's been a little sick this past week, but not running a fever. He has had a stuffy nose, coughing and sneezing. So, I called the pediatrician and they said to give him a little bit of children's benedryl and infant tylenol. That helped and now he has already improved greatly.
- Well, you can probably tell that we are enamored with our little man and every little thing he does is a special miracle to us. He is truly the apple of our eye (and very entertaining to say the least.) He is growing so fast! I already wonder what happened to my little infant? He's already a baby! But, as sad as it is that time flies so quickly, each new stage in his development comes with something new and exciting that we couldn't do before.
- I'm attaching a link to a video I put up on you tube. It's really crappy quality and I am still trying to learn how to do all of this uploading of videos using the myriad of cameras and computers we have around this house. So, I'm still experimenting but when I get it figured out and get a good one, I'll be sure to let you know.
- Hope all is well. Nat
Sunday, September 7, 2008
11 weeks old
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1 comment:
Hey Natalie, glad that technology can reunite us! Your son is adorable! I got my mom to send me his birth announcement she received, so now he's hanging out on our fridge. My blog is thebarlettfamily.blogspot.com I just created it, so not worth reading now...hopefully soon I'll have some "fun" stuff on there! Have a good w/e! ~Lea
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