baby ticker

pregnancy due date

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

32 weeks! 7 to go!

I switched OB doctors for a variety of reasons. One of which was breech of confidentiality regarding my care. Someone in the office leaked information regarding my care to a pharmaceutical rep who I happen to know. I was and still am livid that someone would be that careless. On top of that, when I requested my files, they gave me mine AND someone elses in a folder. It had EVERYTHING about that girl in it. They also LOST my files from my first doctor and asked me every visit since December what my blood type was and would say "Well, we'll see if we can find your files. They are probably on so and so's desk." They never got around to requesting them again until a few weeks ago. They had them at first because I personally handed them to the nurse. So, needless to say, with all the carelessness going on in that office, it made it very uncomfortable for me to continue my care there, no matter how nice the doctor was and how cool the 3D ultrasounds were. There were some other issues as well.

I went to another doctor last Friday and so far she is great! Hopefully her office is too! I go back again next week. She was very good at educating and explaining things and said that she would like to induce at 39 weeks if everything is "ripe and ready." She said they would only do it if my body was ready because otherwise it would increase my risks for a C-section. I like the sound of that as opposed to what I got before - "We will induce you at 39 weeks - period." And, here I was freaking out about Conner's size and big head and the new doctor told me that it is still too early to get an accurate estimate and that we really won't know anything until 36 weeks. So, at that time, I will have an ultrasound (no 4D this time. :( ) and get a better idea of how big he is. I wish the old doctor had said something reassuring like that! She pretty much just said he was big and had a big head and "Don't worry, he'll fit." Thanks. That makes me feel SOOOO much better! I like to be educated and have things explained to me.

So, if everything goes as planned, Conner will be arriving sometime the week of July 6th. We will still be at the same hospital - Parkwest. I'm in week 32 right now and so that leaves a little under 7 weeks. We are NOT ready. We have many house projects going on that need to be finished before then. I've been on poor Michael's case for months to tie up the loose ends (I think I have been the epitemy of the pregnant hormonal nagging wife) because I don't want our house torn up with a newborn. I think when I put it like "He could be here in as early as 6 weeks" he realized we've got to roll! Ever since then he's been working very hard to get things moving. Actually, he's been working hard and doing a lot of stuff already, just leaving a few loose ends. I think he gets bored with one thing and moves on to something else before he finishes the first stuff. He's a guy, what can I say? Regardless, I love him bunches and wouldn't trade him for the world. He's super good to me and he's going to be a good Daddy. :)

Here's our to do list that we pretty much just have 6 weeks to complete.
1. We still have quarter round to put down and some more baseboards in the kitchen, upstairs and downstairs bathrooms (we still have to buy the quarter round, paint and cut it.)
2. paint the doors and door frames where they got banged up
3. staple the carpet where they meet the thresholds in the hallway (staple gun broke)
4. fix some nails coming out of a trim piece on the stairs
5. lay flooring in pantry
6. fix a rod in our bed
7. move some furniture in the upstairs guestroom and downstairs so people will have places to sleep when the baby gets here.
8. Finish ripping up carpet downstairs, laying tile, doing the grout. (I can live with this not being completely finished because it's downstairs).
9. Lay mulch in our front flower beds
10. Fix a faucet that doesn't work
11. Replace the toilet downstairs when we tile the bathroom (It's like some mini-me from the 70's put it in there! It's so short!)

But, here's what Mikey's done so far! It's not like he's just been sitting around doing nothing. (I helped with some of it, what I could. My Mom and Dad helped with painting and the baseboards and quarter round)
1. put laminate floors upstairs, also quarter round
2. painted the tiles and bathtub that were green - white (looks so much better)
3. we did knock down in the bathrooms, painted them, ripped up the tile around the floor and put down baseboards (I helped a lot with that! I hated those stupid tiles! I'm good at tearing things up!)
4. replaced Michael's piece o' crap vanity with a new one (this also involved ripping out more tile, doing more knock down, more painting - not to mention plumbing and fixing the floor where the old vanity was) (That was my Mother's Day present. It looks AWESOME! Everything was on huge sale too!)
5. landscaped the front yard
6. hung new blinds in Conner's room
7. Michael's already ripped up half of the carpet downstairs and started laying tile through half of the den.
8. cleaned off the deck and bought a new clean umbrella - got it fixed up so we can sit out there.
9. cleaned the carpets in Conner's room and our bedroom
10. finished putting some kind of stuff on the refinished front doors - varnish?

I'm sure I've left off something else, but you can see we've been busy! Well, Michael has been busy. (As if I know how to do any of this stuff! I helped with the shopping and the bathrooms. Plus, I'm so freaking huge I can't even bend over!)

Conner's room is coming around. I still need to buy some little shelves to put on his walls. Last night I went ahead and boiled all of the four free bottles and pacifiers we got. (I burned myself by splashing water on my arm! Not smart!) After the shower I guess I will see what we still need for him and then go shopping. There's so much! I have a list of the "essentials" so I won't forget anything.

Conner is excited about getting here. He is very active and moves a lot. It's fun to watch my belly roll around like jello when he moves! We are getting excited too! I can't wait actually! We have our hospital packing list just in case we have to pack fast if he comes early. (Wishful thinking) I go in two weeks to the Pediatrician to talk to them.

Well, sorry my blog was so long, but as you probably noticed I hadn't posted in a few weeks. I guess I only feel like I should post when I have news. So, keep in touch everybody! We'll need lots of help after Conner gets here so don't be shy about calling. Michael will be taking off for one week and my Mom is planning to come stay for at least a week. (I'm hoping two but I know she is busy taking care of my grandpa too.) So, the second week will probably be the roughest.

More later,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Sis,
I'm coming home from Africa in 5 days... yeah. I'll be home for 30 days. My Dad and Mom are already planning a trip to come see you while I am home. Hope all is well with you and Mike.
Cant wait... see you soon
