I'm doing much better health, energy, and migraine wise! (Thank goodness!) I still have a few bad days here and there, but not nearly as many as before. I'm already dilating! Woo hoo! As many of you know, this doesn't necessarily mean I will go sooner, but it does mean I need to be ready because it could happen. Every pregnancy and body is different so there is no exact science to determining the "when" question. (Darn it! I was kind of hoping it might mean he would come a few weeks early!) It is good though because it means everything is "ripening" and I will be able to be induced at 39 weeks no problemo. At his growth rate so far, I do not want to go beyond 39 weeks and I don't think my doctor wants me to either. Hospital regulations will not allow an induction before 39 weeks because it could increase your risk for complications. I haven't started efacing and he hasn't started dropping. They said if his head is too big, we will know because I will continue to dilate and my water will break but he will never drop. Then, we will have to have a C-section. :( At the last doctor's appointment last week she said he is measuring ahead and big, but we won't be able to get a REAL accurate measurement until 35 weeks. So, next Thursday we go back for an ultrasound to find out more details. After that I will be going to the doctor every week.
The baby shower was this past weekend! It was so fun and friends and family went way out of their way to spoil little Conner and make everything so special! He is going to be so loved! Nancy did an AWESOME job putting it together! I'm attaching a picture of me and my belly from the shower. (Puffy fluffly goodness and all!)
We've been putting stuff up in Conner's room. We're almost ready with the exception of a few finishing touches! Once we get it finalized, I will put some pictures up.
I've started swelling! I now have cankles! Yipee! You can see from my picture my face is puffy too. Water retention! UGH! Other than muscle aches and swelling, I've been doing pretty good though! No complaints other than regular old pregnancy stuff! I think I am getting so happy and excited that he is going to be here soon that all the other stuff doesn't bother me as much anymore. :) The end is near and I can see it! YEAH!!
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